
Who is your favorite marvel character?


How has UW UB affected your life?

Being in Upward Bound has changed my view for college. Before, I knew I had get into UW, but after having senior seminar with Fina, she taught me that I don't have to go to UW. I could go to any college that I want. Overall, Upward Bound has taught me to always get help from teachers even if I don't need the help. Now, I'm not afraid of asking for help.

If you were given a chance to have a superpower, which superpower would you choose?

To be able to fly.

What's one thing you're afraid of losing?

Losing everything.

What is your motto?

"Cherish your friendship because once it's broken, it's hard to repair the bond you had."

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? In complete detail, explain why.

The egg because it symbolizes a new beginning. The egg has a chance to grow and to take any paths in life it wants. The egg comes first because the egg is the first step in order for the egg to become a chicken. Without the egg, it wouldn't become a chicken.